Trauma reduction:
When you undergo Traumatic incident Reduction (TIR), you need to be well rested and fed and also no alcohol or drugs for at least 24 hours. This technique is frequently viewing unpleasant or traumatic type incidents. The reason for that is you will be needing your full analytical capabilities so you can view your life to the best of your abilities.
TIR is done in a quiet room with no distractions so that you can concentrate fully on your viewing experience. We pick the incident you are interested in viewing and go over it thoroughly with our techniques until you can fully view it and have insights about it.
What makes TIR a different stress relieving technique is that the Facilitator makes no evaluations or invalidations or suggestions as to what you are viewing. This lets you comfortably and without distractions really let you view and talk about what has been on your mind all these years . When you have reached an End Point that you are satisfied with we end off the session. All this is done with you completely awake and aware and no hypnosis or sleep induced state is part of it.
This has proven in many many cases to give excellent results and wins, it gives a feeling of really getting to the core of the situation or incident and is an extremely efficient and effective form of therapy.
For people that have served in the military or other high stress occupations. TIR and the various techniques that relieve the charge of those various traumatic times is a valuable thing to consider. Often after a traumatic incident, you can get constantly reminded about a traumatic time that happened. Sometimes when you have not had enough sleep or food or life stress is bringing you down, these ROOT incidents that caused these fears or feelings simply can become reactivated again. You need a facilitator to help you view these uncomfortable times in life and to help guide you to the Root of the problem that caused it in the first place. When you have reached the source of what caused it in the first place, many people feel great relief and can get on with their life again without that “monkey on their back”
With the guidance of a licensed practitioner called a “Facilitator”, and the use of simple techniques called “Viewing” many undesirable areas of ones life can be improved.
What is a “Facilitator”?
A Facilitator is defined as: a person who uses the process of viewing to help you to perform the actions of viewing to achieve insights and reach your goals. A Facilitator’s function is to help you view your world and thereby to alleviate the emotional charge contained therein.
The term Facilitator is used rather than “therapist” or “counselor” because these terms imply that something is done by one person to another, which is not the case in viewing. Also, because of the educational nature of the subject, not all Facilitators are licensed therapists or counselors.
What is “Viewing”
Viewing is an essentially educational activity in which you, the viewer (the client), inspect aspects of your life. This work is considered educational in nature because the knowledge, realizations and insights come from you, from the inside, rather than being judged for you, or given to you from outside yourself. Your job in a viewing session is the most important one, because only you know your own mental and emotional world. This is person-centered work.
What is “Unblocking”?
Unblocking is another life stress reduction technique that tends to address subjects or life situations or even specific people in your life that you have your attention on. It allows you to handle and view entire subject areas, after viewing thoroughly from many angles of view an area, you can often move from a feeling of being an effect to feeling more at cause and having more solutions to that area than before. It is a lighter method of reducing stress in a life but can be extremely effective in helping a person.Often we can take apart the various aspects of a situation and do a series of unblockings and great relief can be attained.
What is an “end point”?
An end point is the point at which a specific viewing activity has been successfully completed. In the person-centered context of this work, your satisfaction and sense of resolution and completeness determine when an end point has been reached, rather than ending according to an arbitrary pre-set time limitation. An end point occurs when you are satisfied that the area, incident or issue being addressed is complete. One area of life might produce many end points before complete resolution, but each aspect that is addressed, each technique used to address it, goes to its own smaller end point, until the whole area is complete to your satisfaction.The end point of any activity always includes an improvement in emotional state and an unsticking of attention, bringing one more fully into the present, and often includes a realization and/or new viewpoint on the area being addressed.